MFA Creative Writing Week
菠菜网lol正规平台 Creative Writing Week, October 10-17, 2024
Learn about the MFA in Creative Writing at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
Attend a faculty reading.
Visit a graduate writing workshop.
RSVP to reserve your place:
Schedule of Events
Thursday, 10/10
Prof. Brook McClurg reads from his new memoir, A Dictionary of Modern Consternation.
6:30pm-8:00pm | 菠菜网lol正规平台 Center for Steinbeck Studies, MLK Library Room 590 and online.
Monday, October 14, 7:00-9:45PM
Poetry Workshop with Prof. J. Michael Martinez, 7:00-9:45pm (In-person, Clark Hall 218).
Tuesday, October 15, 7:00-9:45PM
Creative Nonfiction Workshop with Prof. Brook McClurg, 7:00-9:45pm (In-person, Faculty Offices Building 104).
Thursday, October 17, 4:00-6:15PM
Fiction Workshop with Prof. Nick Taylor (In-person, Faculty Offices Building 104).
Friday, October 18, 9:30AM-12:15PM
Reed Magazine with Prof. Brook McClurg (In-person, Sweeney Hall 229).
The online class will be open via Zoom link (to be provided when a prospective MFA
applicant registers to attend a class (responds to the RSVP).
Please RSVP by completing this form.
Email if you have any questions.
MFA Program Faculty
Selena Anderson (fiction), Barnaby Dallas (screenwriting), Brook McClurg (creative nonfiction), J. Michael Martinez (poetry), Keenan Norris (fiction), Matthew Spangler (playwriting), Nick Taylor (fiction)